Out & About
Franklin turns to river, renovations to rebuild economy
The city of Franklin once relied on rivers to power its economy, and modern businesses are harnessing the power of whitewater rapids once again...
Making a splash: Frankin whitewater rafting park hosts three-day festival
Concord Monitor | Leah Willingham A native of Franklin, Bill Yacopucci has seen the view from Central Street of the city’s iconic Trestle...
Franklin bets on revitalization with new park
Laconia Daily Sun | T. Jones FRANKLIN — Can people playing in a river help revitalize a struggling city? Can the recreational...
Franklin Set for Transformation
Laconia Daily Sun | T. Caldwell FRANKLIN — The Three Rivers City is poised for an economic revival through two major projects that will...
Most Promising Downtown Development: City of Franklin March 14, 2018 With 45 affordable housing units available in the newly renovated,...
U.S. Sen. Shaheen visits Franklin with an eye on economic development
Concord Monitor | Lucas Masin-Moyer | June 01, 2017Rushing, choppy waters. Shaheen stopped in at businesses set up with the help of Todd Workman and his group PermaCityLife, a nonprofit...