Out & About
Some feel good news for you!
Dominic here, I wanted to take a minute to shout at you about some of our upcoming winter programming opportunities and offer up a rare (but much needed) feel good... -
"I've never seen anything like that before." "I'm pretty sure I heard the phone ringing from inside the porta-potty."
Paddle Ecuador
My girlfriend, Jess, and I traveled to Ecuador for the first time in March 2019. We left home with the expectation of paddling for a week...
Making a splash: Frankin whitewater rafting park hosts three-day festival
Concord Monitor | Leah Willingham A native of Franklin, Bill Yacopucci has seen the view from Central Street of the city’s iconic Trestle...
Franklin bets on revitalization with new park
Laconia Daily Sun | T. Jones FRANKLIN — Can people playing in a river help revitalize a struggling city? Can the recreational...
Electric Toys For Big Girls and Boys
LACONIA DAILY SUN | ADAM DRAPCHO |June 05, 2017There are many ways to get from Point A to Point B, and, with the recent resurgence of interest in electric motors... -
U.S. Sen. Shaheen visits Franklin with an eye on economic development
Concord Monitor | Lucas Masin-Moyer | June 01, 2017Rushing, choppy waters. Shaheen stopped in at businesses set up with the help of Todd Workman and his group PermaCityLife, a nonprofit...