Mutual Partners

In everything we do at ONE (or really any Franklin based activity) it's not just about offering certain brands, doing certain projects, or pushing products to a faceless customer. We love mutual partnerships... to grow together, execute together, or make improvements that provide value to those around us... yes, together. This is the foundation of our engagement with our customers, and also, for those brands we represent.

Rob Yager, our JK rep, and I started our relationship years ago when he worked for Werner. Throughout the cycles we've had in our short history, Rob has repeatedly gone above and beyond to listen, help, promote and support ONE. Jackson Kayak has been with us since the very beginning, and has received regular briefings on the whitewater park project, attended our events, provided swag and donations.

That is mutual partnership.

Thank you, Mr. Yager, for supporting us but most importantly supporting the whitewater community everywhere.